Your project demands accuracy and efficiency, and that’s exactly what you’ll get with hydrodemolition.
Hydro demolition uses high-pressure water jets for concrete removal without damaging surrounding structures or negatively affecting the environment. It keeps your project on time, within budget, and leaves no trace.
With our 20+ years of experience and the latest in hydrodemolition technology, including our hand-lancing and robotic hydrodemolition options, your project will stay on track regardless of the location.
Don’t settle for less when you can have the best. Discover the applications of hydrodemolition below and see how we can meet your project’s needs and exceed expectations.
If you would like to hire us for hydrodemolition services, please contact us or request a callback for a Free, No-Obligation Quote.
Hydro demolition offers a versatile solution for various concrete removal challenges. Below are key applications where this method excels in delivering precise and efficient results:
By selectively removing damaged concrete while preserving the integrity of the reinforcing steel, hydrodemolition extends the lifespan of the structure and reduces the need for extensive repairs.
In parking structures, hydrodemolition is used to precisely target the areas of deteriorated concrete, without affecting surrounding structures or disrupting normal operations.
Hydrodemolition efficiently removes concrete from structures like cooling towers or containment areas without causing vibrations or damage to nearby equipment.
For dam and spillway refurbishment, hydro demolition is a non-invasive way to remove damaged concrete and prepare surfaces for new overlays.
For a competitive, no-obligation quote, request a callback or call us on:
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